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How to use Google Trends when Writing a Post for Your Blog

How to use Google Trends when Writing a Post for Your Blog

How to use Google Trends when Writing a Post for Your Blog

Do you follow the trends? This time we’re not talking about fashion trends but Google Trends – something you should definitely be using to write highly targeted blog posts. If you’re looking to give your WordPress blog a boost, check out our top tips on how to use Google Trends when writing a post for your blog!

What Are Google Trends?

Google Trends is a free service that allows you to see what is happening in the world of Google. It’s more than just finding out what search terms are popular. Google Trends goes that step further by sharing information such as keyword trends, where these searches are happening and related searches.

You can also customize the information you see via dates, regions, specific categories such as fashion and beauty as well as using the search tool. Basically, any information you want to compare or collect, you’ll be able to do it on Google Trends!

How Can You Use Google Trends?

Charts and graphs related to keywords and topics are great, but how exactly can you use them as a blogger? Well, most importantly, they can help you keep up with what’s going on in your industry and what your readers are looking for, which will help you to ensure that you are creating content that your readers actually want to read!

Check Your Keywords

Using Google Keyword Planner to choose and plan your keywords is great but a savvy blogger will add in an extra step to ensure their value by using Google Trends. Simply run your keywords through Google Trends and you’ll be able to find out their popularity and whether people are actually interested in them. It’s great for ensuring that you’re heading in the right direction with your blog content ideas!

Find Popular Content Ideas

If you are stuck for content ideas and are looking for inspiration, Google Trends is a great place to start your search. Using Google Trends you will be able to see what people are talking about, what products or brands are the latest talking point and what keywords they are using that fits in with your niche. You will then be able to create content around those trends and benefit from increased search volumes, pretty impressive!

Create A Content Calendar

Having your own personalized content calendar will ensure you are always one step ahead with popular topics and content. Google Trends enables you to see which topics are most popular at certain times of year, so you can plan your content around them. For example, you should find that content about Fashion Week is most popular in February and September!

Benefits of Google Trends

Google Trends is another fantastic tool to use when creating highly targeted content. It will help you make sure that your content features popular and relevant keywords that readers will be searching for, so you stand a higher chance of them finding your blog posts (more on SEO)!

Google Trends can also be really helpful for those that require a little help in the content creation department, as well as those who like to remain up to date with the latest topics.

If you are looking to step up your content, take your blog to the next level and attract a loyal readership, it’s a good idea to make Google Trends your new best blogging friend!

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